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The Purse
Investing in female founders and why male investors need to back women. Listen to the podcast interview with investor Pierre Rolin

Investing in female founders and why male investors need to back women. Listen to the podcast interview with investor Pierre Rolin


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“For women taking control of their financial future”

-Jana Hlistova

From The Purse

In this week’s newsletter, we spotlight a short extract from our interview on The Purse Podcast with Pierre Rolin, who founded Ankh Impact Ventures in 2020.

Pierre invests in female and diverse founders globally and has a very powerful message for male investors about why they need to back women.

Listen to the full interview here.


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I hope you enjoy this week’s newsletter.

Until next week,


Investing in female founders and why male investors need to back women

We interviewed gender lens, angel investor Pierre Rolin who founded Ankh Impact Ventures in 2020.

We interviewed Pierre Rolin on The Purse Podcast.

Pierre N. Rolin is Founder and CEO of Ankh Impact Ventures. A Canadian entrepreneur with over 35 years of real estate investment advisory as well as venture capital experience, Pierre was previously based in London, Frankfurt, and New York and has closed more than 550 real estate investments valued in excess of $17 billion and delivered an average 20% net IRR for his clients.

Pierre has shared his experiences at numerous conferences and events globally, such as The World Economic Forum in Davos, The Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles, and the Young Presidents Organisation in London.

In the podcast interview we talk about: Ankh Impact Ventures, investing in female and diverse founders, the investment thesis, female pitch competitions, why female founders are a better investment and why male investors need to back women.

Below is a short extract from the interview. (We have made slight adjustments to the below for ease of reading only).

Pierre Rolin:

“…50% of the planet's consumer is a woman, yet less than 2% of capital goes to them. And the irony is that some of these businesses are “women founder advantage” businesses where men have no idea about, say, women's health … and as a result, women don't get the capital to build these businesses.

So there are vacuums…

I'll give you a very good example… of one of our companies that we invested in very early, and it is called “Mission Driven Tech”. It’s an American company founded by a Google executive who was diagnosed with cervical cancer and was pregnant six months with her second child and left Google.

The female founder had to take on a very difficult process of radio oncology with medical equipment which is antiquated from the seventies. So together with her radio oncologist, they formed a company after she recovered and applied her experience and mission to expanding global access to quality cervical health care.

How is a man going to do that? And her business partner and Chief Medical Officer was the one who effectively saved her in the hospital. And then the hospital backed her.

So you've got a cervical cancer survivor who quit her job and decides to dedicate the second chance in life…


…She had a horrendous experience on a medical instrument, which I've been told by her was designed in the seventies and the hospitals globally haven't put a dime into advancing this medical instrument (I won't get into too much detail), but there's I think about five procedures and a third of women pass away because they don't complete the procedures because the pain and the mental and the surrounding medical effects of that cause enormous issues, internal bleeding, huge mental Issues and physical issues. And you combine those three and apparently a third of women don't complete it.

I think 300, 000 American women pass away for that reason.

…But the fact of the matter is, there has been no advancement in global cervical cancer for this particular procedure and medical instruments since the 70s because the resources haven't gone into it…”


News in Brief

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The Purse Podcast

We cover the following in this conversation:

  • Why Pierre started Ankh Impact Ventures

  • Investing in female and diverse founders

  • Investment thesis- patient capital

  • Female pitch competitions

  • Female founders are a better investment

  • Why male investors need to back women.

Please enjoy! Listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify+

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