The Purse
The Purse
‘Super bubble’: legendary investor Jeremy Grantham warns of a market crash. And listen to our podcast with Marcia Dawood, investor in women and diverse teams

‘Super bubble’: legendary investor Jeremy Grantham warns of a market crash. And listen to our podcast with Marcia Dawood, investor in women and diverse teams

Welcome to our #102 weekly newsletter.

“For women taking control of their financial future”

-Jana Hlistova

From The Purse

In this week’s newsletter, we focus on legendary investor Jeremy Grantham and his warning that we are in ‘super bubble’ territory which occurs every 100 years.

What are the warning signs and what can investors do?


You can review the news in brief so you stay on top of global financial, economic and investing trends.

And don’t forget to listen to The Purse Podcast interview with Marcia Dawood who has invested in 200 early stage private companies. She currently serves as the Chair of the Board of the Angel Capital Association (ACA) and is a venture partner at Mindshift Capital.

We talk about investing in women & diverse teams, angel investing and ‘what makes a good investor’?

I hope you enjoy this week’s newsletter.

Until next week,


‘Super bubble’: legendary investor Jeremy Grantham warns of a market crash

What are the warning signs that we are in a ‘super bubble’ and what can investors do?

Jeremy Grantham, the legendary US investor and GMO co-founder, has warned of a ‘super bubble’ in financial markets, which occurs every 100 years, and can ‘really wipe you out like 1929 did’.

In an interview with Bloomberg…

…he has said that the wild speculation on meme stocks, cryptocurrencies and other high-risk assets has peaked. And has warned that:

  • the S&P 500 could fall 50%+

  • the Nasdaq could crash even harder

  • and the crypto market would enter a ‘crypto winter’ similar to what happened in 2017-2018.

There are distinct warning signs that a ‘super bubble’ market crash is likely to happen, similar to 1929 and 2000:

  • An acceleration phase:

    • the market gains become far greater than the average

  • Small caps detach:

    • the small caps in the US eg the Russell 2000 Index moves in the opposite direction to the blue chips such as the S&P 500.

What should investors do?

According to Jeremy Grantham, investors should hold cash and look to buy value stocks (ETFs) outside of the US market (which is the most overpriced market).

And specifically look to the emerging markets. Or even invest in the UK or Japan which, by comparison to the US, may only be ‘moderately’ overpriced.


News in Brief

Financial news

Crypto: bitcoin, ethereum, DeFi & NFTs

The Purse Podcast

We cover the following in our conversation:

  • investing in women & diverse teams

  • angel investing

  • venture capital

  • female investors

  • what makes 'a good investor'?

  • and more

Please enjoy! Listen on iTunes and Spotify+

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The Purse provides content for informational purposes only, we do not recommend products or services or provide investment advice. Please do your own research or speak to a financial advisor.