The Purse
The Purse
“Helping women achieve their full potential is good for us all..”

“Helping women achieve their full potential is good for us all..”

Welcome to our #236 weekly newsletter.

“For women taking control of their financial future”

-Jana Hlistova

From The Purse

In this week’s newsletter, we highlight a talk by Ali Crossley who is a Managing Director of Distribution at Legal & General. She focuses on the barriers that hold women back in the financial services sector and what can be done to change that.


And you can review the news in brief so you stay on top of global financial, economic and investing trends.

I hope you enjoy this week’s newsletter.

Until next week,


“Helping women achieve their full potential is good for us all..”

Ali Crossley, MD at Legal & General talks about what holds women back at work in the financial services services sector, and what can be done about it.

Ali Crossley, Managing Director of Distribution at Legal & General, outlined three barriers for women in the workplace:

  • the authority gap

  • the achievement penalty

  • and the menopause scrapheap. 

Speaking at the Women in Protection conference in early May, Ali explained what we know only too well:

“Helping women doesn’t just mean that things only get better for women or that men have to lose out in some way… Helping half of our workforce achieve their full potential is good for us all…”

But because our culture regards authority as a male quality, rising through the ranks becomes much more difficult for women.

Women also face an achievement penalty. Their success is more likely to lead to relationship breakdown or divorce. Male partner stress goes up when women earn 40% or more of the total household income.

And menopause can ‘hit women hard’.

But without the support required at work, the highly experienced senior female talent pool will opt out or underperform. The menopause currently costs the UK economy 14m working days every year.

And 1bn+ women globally will be in menopause by 2025.

The data says it all…

…helping women reach their full potential will make businesses 25% more likely to earn above average profits. Not to mention add 14m of the otherwise lost working days in the UK economy.

Ali called for more support of gender equality in the workplace; she wants to:

“… see more men challenging their own biases and supporting their partners through the achievement gap..”

But ultimately, it is the CEO and executive team in every business which must be held responsible for building a workplace which works for both men AND women.

Continuing to apply a ‘male only lens’ in an environment which employs a growing number of women, especially into senior roles, renders it inadequate.

This is one of the reasons many women decide to start their own business or seek flexibility via a ‘portfolio career’.

What next? (Re) read and (re) listen to The Purse Podcast:


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